Welcome to the 35+ programme.

Stay fit, strong, and pain free at 35 and beyond.

Are you frustrated with a of lack routine, structure and progress?

Tired of beat down workouts and dealing with niggles and injuries?

Do you want to be fit, strong, mobile, energised and to live pain free? 

This programme is designed specifically for you.

As we get older our training must get smarter.

The 35+ programme offers an intelligent, sustainable approach to fitness.

Whether you're juggling a job and family life or simply don't want to spend endless hours at the gym, we've got you covered.

You'll feel and look your best right now, but you're also safeguarding your health into the future.

There is no pill or anything money can buy down the line to replicate the benefits.

Invest in yourself.


The programme is designed and done by someone who is... over 35. This seems obvious, but it's not.

Many gyms are run by (and their programming is done by) guys in their mid 20s who don't understand what it's like to be in your 30s or 40s. 

We can still train hard, but we can't get away with some of the things we could in our 20s. 

We need proper, well designed warm ups. 

We need movements which are going build us up, not break us down.

We need to train incredibly smart, as well as hard.

 Not every workout needs to be 'go hard or go home'.

Constantly trying to increase top end strength isn't the 'be all and end all' any more.

You can still be very, very fit at this age, but you need to change your approach.

We have the best warm-up and mobility protocols, only high value strength work and a calculated approach to conditioning (your cardio). 

This programme will keep you strong, fit, mobile, energised, but most of all it will keep you PAIN FREE.

From 100kg to 78kg to Hyrox Madrid '24 finisher.

Meet Adam. He's be on the programme for the past 2 years. From a starting point overweight at 100kg, and with his fitness almost non-existent, he has transformed his physique and ability to do work. 

"When I started I was overweight, unhappy, and I knew I had no level of fitness. I just finished Hyrox Madrid, the programme completely changed my life".

Training gives you a confidence which can't be matched by anything else.

Day to day, wearing a t-shirt, nights out, living pain free, knowing you're investing in your health - there is no pill, tablet, or anything that can be bough to replicate any of this.

Committing to an active life is the best thing you can do for you right now, and for your future self.

There is no fixed term, just €105 per month. 

There is NO long term contract, you can cancel whenever you like.

Come join the team today. Click 'Sign Up Today' and start your journey to a healthier, happier you.