When it comes to having a successful 6 weeks and beyond it quickly becomes clear that many of your lifestyle habits need to support what you're trying to achieve. Your daily habits and behaviours dictate whether or not things fall in to place.
Your daily meals need to be structured. When you go shopping you need to buy the right foods to suit your meals. When you're shopping you need to be able to resist buying foods that don't suit your current goal.
If you're training you need to have classes booked in and the time set aside. You need to have your gear ready, so it needs to be washed prior to this. If you train at home make sure your workout is written out in advance on a whiteboard or in a notepad.
If you're going for a walk with the dog you need to have it planned. Having your walking shoes and jacket ready, make sure you can easily find the dog's lead.
If you want to get a good night's sleep make sure your bed is made and your room is free of blue light and at a cool temperature.
All your behaviours play a fundamental role in how your life plays out. If you've come in to the programme looking to lose weight or get healthier then some of your behaviours in the past haven't been in line relative to where you want to be.
You're going to need to make changes if you want to change, but it doesn't have to be overly difficult. Small changes compound over time.
Let's take a look.
Key Points.